We will be celebrating the life of Lee on Sunday, June 29th at 2:02pm. The celebration will be held at the River House in Ben Lomond, off of Hwy 9 on Holiday Lane, right next door to Highlands Park (do not turn into Highlands Park, look for Holiday Lane). It was Lee's wish that we have a party, and so a party it will be! Some friends have been asked to share some memories of Lee, tears will be shed and food, drink and laughter will be shared as well.
There are three things we, the family, asks:
1. If you wish to join the celebration, please carpool. There is limited parking and it could be a big crowd. We can't stress carpooling enough!
2. If you would like to help that day with the celebration (set-up, clean-up, etc.) or by bringing desserts (chocolate cake, chocolate chip cookies or apple pie) or beverages, please contact Carl Kustin at 831-234-6285 or clkustin@rescuenet.com
3. In lieu of flowers, please send donations to the SLVHS Athletic Boosters in memory of Lee.
SLVHS Athletic Boosters
PO Box 616, Felton, CA 95018
Thank you for your sympathy, care and notes. We have learned new things about Lee (Dad) in the last week and are overwhelmed by the respect others had for him. He would be overwhelmed, as well.
Brittany for Gail, Joeben, Malinda and Payten O.
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